Leigh Gorham: A Creative Home

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All Growth is Beneficial

I know I've been absent from here for quite some time.

What have I been doing?

The truth is, I've been engulfed in raising a toddler, working full time during various busy seasons, and most transformative - dedicating my spare time to growing my digital art business.

It started on Instagram. I began back in November 2020 as a way to reignite my creative energy. I was a new mother and I missed writing (which is my first and most lasting passion) but knew I didn't have the mental energy or physical energy that it takes for me to write authentically. So I began searching for a way I could still receive the endorphins and joy from creating, while honoring the small free time and mental energy I had after giving it to my newborn, my husband, and my job.

I began creating digital art. I invested in an iPad and an art program called Procreate. I began experimenting and learning and following people whose aesthetic I admired - and it grew from there.

I opened up an Etsy and felt such pride in seeing things I created, resonating with others. However my relationship with Etsy and its practices has decreased and I have been looking at other ways to sell my art and services and maintain more control over delivery, pricing, and more.

After so much deliberation, and a recommendation from an author friend whom I admire greatly, I've decided to change platforms and create a new website that will combine my writing (in which I plan to return and to which I plan to invest more) and my digital art business. Where people can view the whole picture of who I am. My writing, my art, my life. Where products can be purchased directly. Where all are welcome.

I will be releasing the site very soon (quite sooner than may be expected) and this domain (https://dailyrefined.com) will take you to an entirely separate space.

Be on the lookout and maybe next time you look up my website, it will be vastly different. I ask for your patience as I format and hone the details, but it will be beautiful. I will engage continually with you and will be even more available and invested.

I am deeply grateful for those who have stuck by me here, even though it's been so silent for far too long.

Your support means more than words could convey. I am humbled, I am grateful, I am ready to continue to grow. Because all growth is beneficial. All growth is beautiful.